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![]() JOANNE Age: 23 years old DOB: 9 August 1986 Work: Singapore Goverment Hospital Cute, Blur, Sotong *my wishes list* *whiten my teeth *shop round the world *a itouch mp4 *a GUCCI wallet
February 2006
March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, July 30, 2006
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today..i found out my bro jus install a bluetooth link to the com...which mean i could jus use my phone and bluetooth my pic to com without other connection...so i try using it...when i open my file in my phone..i found something!!!!!!!!!!!
stupid JASMINE used my phone and taken some pictures without i realising!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
i was doing my e-tutorial and i got struck by the last qns...so i decided to give up and come to blog... what SALLEH? can someone tell me? i checked it on net..it came out to be some one blogger name..newpapers...products name...all rubbish...nothing link to nose bleeding...so watever..2moro go back to sch and ask my group...
ok...this few days..my little zhuzhu laogong been behaving very well...when he free, he will come and find me, bring me go movie, walk walk, even an hour or less, he still will come...morning bring me to sch, fetch me back from sch... sms me when as when...i'm quite happy with it..well done..nice job..keep up dear ![]() today is my pay day...i was so happy..finally has money..BUT...i withdrawn 200 to pay back zy..k..i left with 750...50 for my this allowance...700...50 for dear allowance this week...650...and listen carefully...dear owe his buddy 80 (world cup time, he lose) and i got to help him pay 50 first..cos his buddy short of cash now....so now i left with...600...dont think that alots... not forgetting my internet, cable tv, my hp bill and dear hp bill..total 290...so now final i left...310...this is what left for this month and this money alone..is not jus me alone..i still have dear..dear only getting his pay on 5 aug..and his pay 500...he need to save for bike sch...half gone.... 天啊!!! why am i and dear so poor... plus this month my bday somemore...no money, no dear...bad 20 bday!! should i go baibai...i damm unlucky these few months..pocket keep burning holes... ---------------END OF MY SAD STORY-------------- em...ok...dear been behaving as be mention as above...but dear getting less sleep..mean less rest... i worry dear...take care...dont fall sick...when driving bike be careful..dont speed...oh ya..and also..now now dear is riding bike, working in pub...dear is breathing in more and more bad air....dear been coughing dry cough these few days...what can i get for him to relieve all these? others than chuan bei pi ba gao and ji jing...what else ne? love u dear...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
~shop online~
i am too high now...
i was boring this afternoon..so thought of going online to yahoo.tw..the shopping online store...i went in found alotssss of clothes that i like...i want it so much...from total of 24 pieces of clothes i cut it down to now total of 15..which u seen on the pics....total price $368.80 (sg dollars) i wanted so much..i want to buy it for my own bday present....now waiting for mum to be back home..and try to ask her if ok!!!! and if she agree...i will try ask if junwei will able to help me buy and get it back to sg.... hope everything goes well.... i want it...love it... oh ya...this wedsite i went shopping in http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/?catid=12505
Thursday, July 20, 2006
em..deardear..in trouble....i partly indirectly responsible to it....sorry dear!
this afternoon at one i have meeting, dear brought me to sch....trouble happened on the way... dear exchange his bike with his friend for one day...dear arrange to meet his friend at amk to return bike after sending me to sch... ok...so when we are on the expressway...soon reaching sch...we were stopped by traffic police... he inspected dear bike(sport bike)...checked the engine..everything la...and ask dear to bring the bike for inspection...dear ic was joted down...after the traffic police went off..dear say this time die le..big thing...dear say the rule was "one cannot ride bike that does not belong to own" if found...licence will be cancel off....his mood was bad today... sorry dear,if i dont force u to bring me to sch..u might not get caught by traffic police...sorry dear jus get his bike licence, he spent three years to get this licence...i know he want it alots... i asked dear how? any solution to solve it..dear say maybe if he could put his name on his friend bike as second owner might help...but needed 200 dollars....among dear's friends i know there no one who will have the money to lend him...some more at this point of time i am broke...even though..dear say he will find his ways... i asked zhaoyang for help...to borrow money to me...this my only way to help dear...hope he get over this time... sorry dear....muack...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
~my vitamin~
hehehe...today i got my vitamin...it cheer me up....
deardear..jus sent me a msg...it is like this: "......dun any how think tat i dont love u i will always love wont leave u.... cos i wan u to marry me....." Mmmmm.....i am so happy..feel loved...sweet....em...watever... my energy level is now all being top up.... too happy...and loved..dont know what to write to describe me now...hehehehehe.....i jus in my own world now....too high... BUT....i dont know how long this vitamin will last for me....so deardear...pls....send me more of this vitamin to cheer me up when i 'm down k? oh ya...today after sch, went back my sec sch area with ann...she went for interview...ok..den on mrt , dear ask where i am..where i going...he say there still some time before he goes work....he could come down and find me awhile...so..hehehe..dear came over shortly after we reach... so after all, i was happy today ....i am jus a easy satisfied little girl...wat i need was jus love and concern... love u...dear..muack!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
what should i write....
dear start work bout..2 wks le...ever since then..we almost everyday been ...fighting...not a single day..i felt happy at all... ok..maybe there one or two days are happy with him... today our date was cancel by him..morning on my way to sch..he called to say he is tired scare later overslept cannot wake up for our date...shall we cancel the date?...what should i ans? say "no"...i know mon he had very little sleep...he wanted sleep well today...BUT i am still feeling sad down disappointing... on my way to sch today..i been thinking...me and him everyday like that also bu shi ban fa...i used to have him around me...now all the extra time flow up on table...wat am i going to do with those time? dearmorning have sch..night got work till midnight...sat and sun sure he cant off...he himself have not enough sleep...he dosent have any time for me at all...this fighting, days without him..how long it going to last...can i take it? will i be able to wait for him till the day come? dear say he has to work to earn money for his sch pay bike..everything....i know all these...he say he only going to work till this year end..den he will change another job...year end...5 more months of these dayssss...cos of this job..even my birthday..dear cant even pei wo..he say that day morning he will pei wo...ha...i confrim sure that morning he will be sleeping again as usual...even that morning he pei wo..wat the uses? dear u knows wat i wanted that day...huh..we shall see that day... wat the use of everytime asking whether am i angry after a promise is break? wat the uses of sending msg telling me to remember to eat, drink more water, slp early??? when u not around at all......... to be serious...i really did think of B....(word which i dont dare of writing up) BUT......it jus a thought of it...not going to be real (this moment)...i still not giving up...i scare of losing him...i still love him alot....... dear wanted me to understand him more....i trying..i really am...but to be true..it hard for me...
Monday, July 17, 2006
After 2 days of pain...finally i went to see doc le... i having UTI-urinary tract infection!!!! i done a urine drip test and blood is ++ ahhhhhhhhh....so many blood!!!
i was given 2 meds C0-TRIMOXAZOLE (antibotics) used to treat a small number of serious infections but serious side effects limit its use. Warning! You should ensure that you drink plenty of fluids while receiving treatment with this medicine. People taking this medicine should have regular blood tests. see that!!! regular blood tests...WHY? what this stupid med? (off to pee, brb) and it side effect were: Headache Rash Diarrhoea Blood disorders---??? Pain in the muscles (myalgia) Seizures (convulsions) Nausea and vomiting Severe blistering skin reaction affecting the tissues of the eyes, mouth, throat and genitals.(Stevens-Johnson Syndrome) Inflammation of the lining of the mouth (stomatitis) Damage to the liver Damage to the kidneys why am i given this %$#%@^ med? there no other antibotics available for UTI? ok..my doc instructed me that if by wed or latest thur i still having pain and keep going toliet...i will have stop my med and go see him again.... the other med is CITRAVESCENT helps relieve the burning discomfort and frequency caused by urinary tract infections. HUH...so ma fan now..feel like i been eating meds all times...am i that weak? huh... ok...enough of UTI 2moro i going to end sch myself at twelve after jessica tut...dear having day off 2moro and no sch... we plan to go suntec and watch movie with his 2 free tickets...soon bian walk walk...hehehe long time never had a proper day out with dear le...i'm so excited bout it... k..i shall end here...better eat my meds now and drink lots of water...if not not..someone going to nag the hell of me... i need to pee again...OMG
Sunday, July 16, 2006
~wat drug is ur personality~
What Drug Is Your Personality Like? em..guys..am i really like this?
~what ur idea relationship~
deardear..see this...get my hint?
~when will i be ur bride~
ok...yesterday...morning suppose to wait for dear to come over topick me up to his house..that what he planned..BUT...huh..old story...he overslept...k..actual i was quite fine with it...only until i saw gia blog...den...i sms dear and we had a small fight over it...and almost abit i thought we will be over...i cried badly in my room...my mum came in the room seeing me crying...(no where to hide) mum ask why i cry?? had a fight with him?? i jus keep quiet dont know how to say...mum jus say...anything tell her..she be my listen ear...say alots of an wei de hua to me...dont have guy wont die still have her...can find other better...no need to cry over such guy...she say a lots...like i already broke up with him... some more still ask me not do anything stupid...den i ans her back...you think i will die? den we laugh together...hahahaha...so funny...luckily after that...me and dear problem settled...when i told my ma that...she look abit disappointing...hehehe...
yesterday night, after dear work he came over my house to sleep..it been long dear came over my house to stay...right now..that pig pig laogong of mine still sleeping soundly in my room...hehehe... jus now i was looking through my neo-print ablum...it been long kkl went out and take neo-prints...when we going? em...but guys...had to wait till i have money first..hehehe...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
~cold war ended~
ok..this post written jus to annouce that COLD WAR had ended at yesterday after my sch at around 3....the world is once again peace...
yesterday, after sch dear came over to pick me up back to his house...we had a nap...den company dear to tanjong pagar for interview at a complicated pub...he got the job..he starting work on this thursaday...everyday work from 5.30pm to 3 mn...morning dear had to go sch..now he still have work at night..so..we will have leser time together..never mind...what more if he dont work, who going to pay for his bike installment and sch fee? k..so after his interview we were looking where to go for our dinner..we went lao ba sha, chinatown den finally we decided to go gerlang and eat...we eat at a shop beside the dou jiang da wang...the beef he fen was great but quite ex too..2 person $10...after dinner we went home... k..today dear was supposed to come pick me this morning but he never..but i am ok..cos he had called me last night to tell me he not coming...as long as i being told..i am ok..i will not be angry...so dear relax..dont worry....but think dear had learned his lesson..hehehe.... p.s how long will it last...????
Monday, July 03, 2006
~cold war?~
still wondering should i blog of today? what can i write?
k..now i'm here..i will try to write something out... today...starting of my first day of year 3 in nursing... lesson started at 9am, end at 3pm...my mood was spolit started in the morning.... someone promised me, he will come pick me up in the morning to sch...so from 7.30am i already woke up...and i know that person will have a high chance of overslept...so i try to call him a morning call...but never pick up...never mind...still early so thought of calling again at 8 to confirm that he out of house...but...after like bout 10 calls or more...no one pick it up..and the call were ...it all get through, ring for a long time and someone end the call....at this moment...i was still thinking is he on bike that why he end my calls...or is he still sleeping and thought all my calls were jus his alarm and end it...if he is on bike, i was also scare that will be pissed by all my calls...and the time is getting late..i myself also not sure whether should i wait for him, or should i left the house? if i left, and he is on the way how? all these worries, time...it getting up my nerves.......and finally my phone ring, he called me....his voice tells me everything..he on bed...fine..my temper is all up...first day of sch...first lesson of the year...i am late and missed it! because of who!... SCHOOL ok...first lesson missed, went for second lesson conducted by our mentor(2hr) dedn one hour break and den finally another one hour of lect...end school! affter school,went amk, seoul garden with ann, yanni, max, yingying, weiwei and mingdi...i was damm full ate a lots...around six, went home... BACK HOME during sch and on way back home..he did msg or call me..but i never reply...den at home, he msg me again...i sent him a few reply and ....we are back to square again..he say to msg me again when i not angry anymore...but i myself not sure when that time will come? i am ok, and actual missed his call/sms but when he msg/call me..my heat jus went up again...so...COLD WAR STARTED FROM MORNING TILL.... p.s. "Dont make promises when u cant make it"...this gives hope and disappoint ppl... (i dont like it this ways...i hate it...why both are the same? bad experiences...)
Sunday, July 02, 2006
~anniversary night~
my one year anniversary night...how i spent...
it was actually a simple and loving night... wat we did... the date started at around 6, dear came over to pick me after his longgg sleep (i was bit pissed by his long sleep) and head off to plaza sg...ya again plaza sg...we checked again wat time the "superman" was on..but the time was...huh..too late...so we went down to eat long john...walk around den... k my surprise started here... me and dear went to toliet...when i was out i dont see dear..so thought maybe he still in..so waited...awhile later, to my surprise...dear appeared in front of me with a small bouquet of pink rose...i was so surprise and happy...it was...love u dear muack... den we head to steven road to top up his bike fuel...and back again to plaza sg..but this time we not going to plaza sg..but we going to the new shopping building (the cathay)near it to watch movie (superman)...the cinema there was big and great!!!!! their candy bar...sold a lots of foods...beside those normal popcorn hotdaogs drinks we seen..they also sold western foods sandwish and also pizza ya...PIZZA..i still wondering how they served the western food? k...then went in for our show... the hall was big...the seat was great too..i love it...our seat was at the side (2 seated) it was a best seat for couple...the centre armrest is able to rise up...the space btw seat to seat was also big enough and comfort..it great watching show there..very enjoyable...screen sound all was great...i have a enjoyable night....
Saturday, July 01, 2006
~one year anniversary~
yesterday was my last day of 2 months attachment!!! (FINALLY)..... 2 months seem longggg...but still... now look back...ok la...not so bad this round posting...
so...these few days..wat happened? em...most recent news will be NG GUOMING xian sheng...had finally passed his bike lesson and got his own blue little bike...le fun tian le...my last two days of posting was him picking me up to work on his bike...my 1st time riding bike...scary damn scary at first...now rided a few times...find it quite ok la...but his riding skill..PLS...ng guoming...be more careful...my life is on your hands... ok..back to yesterday...after my work, went back o sch with ann they all...bought my year three books...only five books $24 but...all seem much more harder to study...but still luckily.. no more bio (finally)... after den dear came sch to pick me home, dress changed...went his house awhile...eat dinner...went plaza sg to watch 'superman returned'but the time show too late...so in the end we went to boat quey a pub "liquid" meet dear's frinds...watched football - ger VS aug...it was also my first time watching world cup in pub..the atmosphere was great..everyone were shouting cheering their supporting team...quite fun... times really flies fast...without much realising (thank ann remind) today...is me and guoming one year anniversary le..so fast...never thought that we could come this far together...em...one year...this one year...happy loving moments are more than the bad moments...lots of my first times were brought by him...(isit good thing?)...wat else can i say...lots of words and thoughts...dont know how to put out..thank dear for this one year..hope we have more one year and years to come...i love u..muack oh ya..now actually is coming to 5pm...and i still waiting for that pig to wait up and pick me... that idiot!!!!! my one year anniversary...spenting at home at this time...so normal...feel like nothing...snob snob....huh... |