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![]() JOANNE Age: 23 years old DOB: 9 August 1986 Work: Singapore Goverment Hospital Cute, Blur, Sotong *my wishes list* *whiten my teeth *shop round the world *a itouch mp4 *a GUCCI wallet
February 2006
March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, June 30, 2008
3 years 我和他
YAY! I going BANGKOK on 6th aug to 9th aug spending my birthday there with dear, cat and zheng yu i am now so looking forward to it! ...................................... 第一次 骑motorcycle (紧张, 害怕) 第一次 驾驶motorcyle (好玩) 第一次 和男友在我生日一起看烟花 (很难忘) 第一次 和男友拍大头贴 (好不自然) 第一次 和男友过2月14情人节 (yanni dating也一起) 第一次 收到花束 (好开心) 第一次 看半夜场电影 第一次 夜游 第一次 和男友到动物园 (期待) 第一次 和男友到圣淘沙 (愉快,难忘) 第一次 到mt fabre看新加坡的夜景 (好美, 好高) 第一次 同部电影看两次 (头文字D) 第一次 带男友回家 (害怕) 第一次 带男友参加家庭聚会 第一次 看演唱会 (jolin 唯舞独尊, 好HIGH) 第一次 和他的约会 (难忘) 第一次 拥有guess bag (谢谢) 第一次 拥有情侣对戒 (好幸福) 第一次 拥有自己的数码相机 第一次 到各各不同的餐厅用餐 第一次 男友送的圣诞礼物 (很美的手链) 第一次 有抱抱 (猪猪) 第一次 到fire station开放日 第一次 到air force 开放日 第一次 到pub (好奇) 第一次 到vivo city 第一次 乘坐缆车看烟花 (难忘, 浪漫, 哦然) 第一次 拥有情侣衣服 (我的size买错) 第一次 喝酒喝到微醉 (丢脸) 第一次 因为他和朋友决裂 (不后悔) 第一次 因为交男友<他>妈妈哭泣 (对不起) 第一次 吵架我想死 (很伤心. 心很痛) (因该还有更多,但想不起了,所以就到这吧) 第一个 说要娶我 第一个 说要和我一起有个家 第一个 对我说最多情话 第一个 对我和他的未来有计划 怎么多的"第一"... 都是我和他一起的回忆... 当然... 我和他还会有更多的"第一" >_<... 说到"第一"..怎么能忘了我和他的第一次相遇... 第一次见到他, 是在医院, CHANGI医院 ward 36 床位5号... 我永远记得.... 他因为在fire station 要出任务时下pole滑下摔地 (约3楼高) 把大腿骨摔断了因而住院. 初见他时, 他刚动完手术, 麻醉药未过, 微醒的他, 按了call bell, 跟我要杯水...这就是我和他的第一 接触. 之后, 麻醉药也过了, 人也开始清醒了, 我也开始讨厌他了. 他的人缘不错, 学生护士都和他很好, 只要有空, 大家就会找他聊天.照理, 我应该对他也不错. 但...偏偏,我就是讨厌他... 他很多事...整天按call bell, 有是没事一直整我! 每次, 我应他都没给他好 脸色看...都脸臭臭... 有次, 我在忙一个病人, 没空,这时他又按了call bell, 我朋友帮我去了, 问他有什么事, 他却问joanne lei? 我朋友告诉他我在忙别的事...他就说没事了. 第二次, 他又按call bell, 又问我在哪? 你说这人烦 不烦...后来, 我忙完出去...只要朋友看到我, 都跟我说:"5号在找你"... 他搞得几乎所有护士都知道他 在找我! 我去了后, 他又没什么大事吗! 一个无聊的人! 但... 可能也是因为他天天的烦我...所以习惯了...一到周末,在家时, 竟然我会想他了...可能也就是那 时候, 我不知不觉喜欢了他... 7月1日2005 到7月1日2007...还有33天, dear我和你要两年了... 谢谢你! 这两年的疼爱, 待我如宝,像你的baby... 当然! 往后,还请你继续的疼爱着我, 爱我, 照顾我... 我爱你,国铭! muacks...。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 this was written one year ago by me to dear... i was looking Thu it... and realised that times really pass fast.... a few more minutes later, it will be me and dear 3 years le.... 3 years ! my thoughts of our relationship had a bit of changes... MARRIAGE... ya...i am thinking of that! i also dont know why? maybe is becos within this years i had 4 friends around me who are married..which had influenced my thoughts... i been thinking marriage is a very far thing to me... but seems like my age is catching up... and... i was thinking... as time goes by the longer u date the lesser chance of marriage will happen... 女人的青春是有限的!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
i been tagged by jeanne sometimes ago to ans all these qns...but sorry jean... now den i blog this out... late but better then nothing right? hehe.... #1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? - HEARTBREAK! cry till breathless... i will confront him why he is doing this to me...and i will never forgive him my whole life! #2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be? - travel/ shop round the world with my loved one (friends, family, bf) #3. If you could be at one place right now, where would it be? - a place free from everything... no work no worry... jus relax #4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? - YES! not sure of going to ahead of me... confusing whether my choice is the right one? stay or not? #5. What's your ideal lover like? - someone who pamper me, someone who loves me more than i love him, someone who i can count on... #6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? - being loved by someone #7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? - dunno...tried once which lasted bout 3years den give up... #8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? - be his best friend as long as is by his side i will be contented. #9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? - em.... these days...quite peaceful, or i can say quite happy actually...hehe #10. What do you want most in life? - em...a happy family with a successful career #11. Is being tagged fun? - erm.. no..? LOL! #12. How do you see yourself in ten years time? - married with a kid i suppose... travel quite a few countries.... still so childish and ah lian!.. hehe #13. Who is the current most important person to you? - my family esp my only grandma #14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? - not sure leh.. #15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor? - i would rather be single and rich. #16. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be ? - can i dont want a pet #17. What are one of those things which you would prefer not to do? - not to work and study! #18. What kind of person do you think you are? - silly, blur, stubbon, childish, hot- temper, self - centre.... erm... #19. What do you define as a bad day? - get scolded by sister! going home late after work! massive admission! starved whole day!nagged my parents! #20. If you have to choose between love and friendship, what would it be? - i want both! ok... i now is my turn to tag 8 ppl to ans all these qns...
who erm.... thinkinggggg.... 1. ann 2. yanni 3. cecilia 4. hannah 5. linda 6. wuhui must it be 8 ppl? i dont have much friends la ! that all !
Monday, June 23, 2008
my beloved grandma 82th birthday
Monday, June 09, 2008
yesterday sunday...was my day off after sleeping day... dear day off too...so we went orchard shopping since it been a long time since we last went out... and it now the GREAT SINGAPORE SALE....haha
we really did a lot of shopping we spent bout $500 -$600 in one day ... even though it GSS but the things we bought there no discount at all....*sad* we bought 3 pairs of new urbenmale sandals... dear and me bought the same pairs and also we bought 2 ralph larren pola tees ...dear long wishes of it.... one was bought by me to him as our 3rd years aniversary.... actually that it all we bought, nothing much but so costly!!! lucky yesterday i didnt bought the gucci wallet if not we will end up spenting more.... and this month we will be bloody broke!!! ok... going to lavender later to make my passport den meeting yanni at KK hosp.... hope later i not spenting again! this month going to spent a lot... Father's day coming... plus my grandma birthday! how to survive???? actual still thought of saving the money for my coming holiday trip... now had to pin hope on my bonous is enough for my bintan and bangkok trips!!!! |