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![]() JOANNE Age: 23 years old DOB: 9 August 1986 Work: Singapore Goverment Hospital Cute, Blur, Sotong *my wishes list* *whiten my teeth *shop round the world *a itouch mp4 *a GUCCI wallet
February 2006
March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Thursday, May 31, 2007
korea snack
![]() ~here are some interesting cute favour snack i bought from a korea supermarket~ *hehe* cant wait to try it out...
SHOCKING SADDED HEART PAIN ~friendship~ me - not a good friend sorry... *sob*
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
2 years aniversary & 21st bday present
MY EARLY PRESENT! 2 years aniversary & my 21st birthday THANKS DEAR... spenting money to buy me this present.... i really love it! muacks... this afternoon i meet xuanyu at bugis for a dinner, shopping... dear fetch me to bugis...we were early..while waiting for xuanyu... dear sudden thought, brought me to orchard bought this bag... k, me and xuanyu it been a long time since we last meet up... we shopped awhile den headed to sushi sakae for dinner... chatted alots... went shop bugis street... den to TCC had a drink..chatted...back home...enjoyed my times with her... yanni... i am still waiting... and where hannah went to? disappeared? em... after yanni and hannah start work... it will be me ann and cat turn to start work le... we should also find a day b4 work to shop together...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
第一次 骑motorcycle (紧张, 害怕) 第一次 驾驶motorcyle (好玩) 第一次 和男友在我生日一起看烟花 (很难忘) 第一次 和男友拍大头贴 (好不自然)
第一次 和男友过2月14情人节 (yanni dating也一起) 第一次 收到花束 (好开心) 第一次 看半夜场电影 第一次 夜游 第一次 和男友到动物园 (期待) 第一次 和男友到圣淘沙 (愉快,难忘) 第一次 到mt fabre看新加坡的夜景 (好美, 好高) 第一次 同部电影看两次 (头文字D) 第一次 带男友回家 (害怕) 第一次 带男友参加家庭聚会 第一次 看演唱会 (jolin 唯舞独尊, 好HIGH) 第一次 和他的约会 (难忘) 第一次 拥有guess bag (谢谢) 第一次 拥有情侣对戒 (好幸福) 第一次 拥有自己的数码相机 第一次 到各各不同的餐厅用餐 第一次 男友送的圣诞礼物 (很美的手链) 第一次 有抱抱 (猪猪) 第一次 到fire station开放日 第一次 到air force 开放日 第一次 到pub (好奇) 第一次 到vivo city 第一次 乘坐缆车看烟花 (难忘, 浪漫, 哦然) 第一次 拥有情侣衣服 (我的size买错) 第一次 喝酒喝到微醉 (丢脸) 第一次 因为他和朋友决裂 (不后悔) 第一次 因为交男友<他>妈妈哭泣 (对不起) 第一次 吵架我想死 (很伤心. 心很痛) (因该还有更多,但想不起了,所以就到这吧) 第一个 说要娶我 第一个 说要和我一起有个家 第一个 对我说最多情话 第一个 对我和他的未来有计划 怎么多的"第一"... 都是我和他一起的回忆... 当然... 我和他还会有更多的"第一" >_<... 说到"第一"..怎么能忘了我和他的第一次相遇... 第一次见到他, 是在医院, CHANGI医院 ward 36 床位5号... 我永远记得.... 他因为在fire station 要出任务时下pole滑下摔地 (约3楼高) 把大腿骨摔断了因而住院. 初见他时, 他刚动完手术, 麻醉药未过, 微醒的他, 按了call bell, 跟我要杯水...这就是我和他的第一 接触. 之后, 麻醉药也过了, 人也开始清醒了, 我也开始讨厌他了. 他的人缘不错, 学生护士都和他很好, 只要有空, 大家就会找他聊天.照理, 我应该对他也不错. 但...偏偏,我就是讨厌他... 他很多事...整天按call bell, 有是没事一直整我! 每次, 我应他都没给他好 脸色看...都脸臭臭... 有次, 我在忙一个病人, 没空,这时他又按了call bell, 我朋友帮我去了, 问他有什么事, 他却问joanne lei? 我朋友告诉他我在忙别的事...他就说没事了. 第二次, 他又按call bell, 又问我在哪? 你说这人烦 不烦...后来, 我忙完出去...只要朋友看到我, 都跟我说:"5号在找你"... 他搞得几乎所有护士都知道他 在找我! 我去了后, 他又没什么大事吗! 一个无聊的人! 但... 可能也是因为他天天的烦我...所以习惯了...一到周末,在家时, 竟然我会想他了...可能也就是那 时候, 我不知不觉喜欢了他... 7月1日2005 到7月1日2007...还有33天, dear我和你要两年了... 谢谢你! 这两年的疼爱, 待我如宝,像你的baby... 当然! 往后,还请你继续的疼爱着我, 爱我, 照顾我... 我爱你,国铭! muacks... the weather is freaking damn hot... i am so boring... i am so hungry... waiting for dear off work... i want supper...
Friday, May 25, 2007
鄭元暢 林依晨為惡作劇之吻2開鏡記者會新聞(TVB)
saw the above video!!! 鄭元暢 and 林依晨getting marry! so xin fu... i love 鄭元暢...
小宇 -你要什么就说MV (热情仲夏片头曲)
this is a MV of a taiwan drama which i am watching now...helping me to pass my holiday time at home...(热情仲夏片头曲)it an idiot show... but it also very funny..esily to pass time...hehe..ppl interested go youtude and watch ba... this is the drama showing in taiwan now after 花样... enjoy ba...
续「恶魔在身边」大红後,贺军翔、杨丞琳、王传一再度合作偶像剧「换换爱」... 好期待! em..feeling a bit sad for my brother...
i was jus reading thru my brother blog.... from the day he received his NS letter... all his blog were writing bout it.... things he had to prepared, go temple bai bai, missing his friends, his hair going to be botak,his bike thingy... most importantly... his moods/emotions... every single blog were writing how sad, scared, unwillingness, not prepared to go NS.... i feel so pity for him as a guy to go NS... also i feel abit gulity on that day when i saw his NS letter, i was making fun of him... i was so happy about it... without realising how sad bad mood he is.... *SORRY ah di*
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
joke of the day
finally found something to blog le... dear just moved house...his new house is in a mess so these few days dear be staying at me house... jus now when we were having dinner... we were playing with davis at the same time.... we were testing davis his speeling on numbers... den sudden dear tell me he had also forgotten how to spell his number.... i was laughing like hell... wat a joke he telling me... haha.... ok... dear now off to work... me... guaiguai staying home wait for deardear back home......
Monday, May 14, 2007
mother's day
yesterday MOTHER'S DAY... how u celebrate urs? me.... yesterday went grandma house with dad together with my aunts and uncles we brought grandma out to "happy resturant" for dinner... the foods there were ok, but esp ceral prawns were great i ate most of it..hehe... BUT one thing had to say.. the services there were damm poor BAD! but also cos of the poor services quite a few funny things happened..haha.. overall quite a fun night... ![]() my grandma ![]() the ppl who went yesterday i not only celebrated this day with my grandma.... i did celebrated with my mum too... we went shopping the other day, serching for her present..but nothing she fancy on..so in the end i gave her money to buy herself the other times... my brother treated mum (whole family la) KFC for dinner...so this mother's day was just so simple over...
something interesting
Friday, May 11, 2007
yesterday afternoon went orchard window shopping with dear....
em..in the end i bought a binkini....*shyshy* dear wanted to swimming very much....so he persuded me to buy ... i really have no figure shape at all... k... late evening went to find ann and cat, they working at forever 21... next time if i shop there..hope there discount ..hehe after tat.... night, me and dear a group of friends went in JB bought dvds, eat supper, dear and friends fix their bike...around 3 me and dear left the group back to singapore first... this morning dear had his car practical lesson, during his break dear came over my house area pei wo eat breakfast.... ![]() "my heart shpe breakfast" today whole day dear was busy...first half of the day dear had car practical second half the day dear going to work at bedok intercharge macdonald so today i very guai! whole day staying at home watching the dvds bought yesterday... i finally watched "the lake house"..hehe..find it so nice and touching...REALLY! i also watched "music and lyics"... it also another touching movie... em, wat esle i watched..oh ya... the chinese movie " 甜心粉丝王" ..it quite a boring show..luckily never went cinema to watch... dear still working now...wonder wat time will his work end? em... oh ya... had to get back all my dvds from my uncle...so i could spent my day at home... watelse...jeanne promise to lend me some of her dvds and comics..had to find one day down her house to get it too.... hope this finally holiday of mine, could spent it wisely with lots of fun! YAYA! how can i forget... yesterday night..i found a letter from goverment service... guess what! hehe... my brother finally going to NS this 13 july! WOW! haha..this day finally is here! my brother get in 'infantry'... heard from dear and his friends... my brother will have a very hard time in there...training is very very de xiong! and the most important is he be staying in for the 2 years! this the best part! ibeen waiting for this moment since i was primary school.... haha... good luck my brother...
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
wat should i write?
em..my 6 weeks attachment of PRCP had ended... now having my 2 months of holiday before starting of my work as a staff nurse yesterday (sunday) went out with dear to orchard, bugis... walk around.... night went to watch spiderman with a group of friends... the movie ok la... it a bit boring for me...( due to i too tried?) hehe em..wat else i had to write? oh ya..me and dear went to take neo print too... AND dear moving house soon.... wat else... YA , i changed my blogskin again... love this skin...hehe *good night* |